GUITAR MAKING ART - a fabulous hardback book combining traditional acoustic construction with making the JB Ecoustic guitar - 80 pages, 280 images plus 4 online videos & printout plans (via link).
Postal charges outside the UK are regrettably high. Email Jeremy Broun for special concession on his downloads and enhanced ebooks if you purchase this book from abroad.
From the foreward by Nicholas Chandler (designer maker, Seville, Spain): 'Now in 2020 Jeremy strips away the mystique of the luthier, sho-wing us the traditional way in part one and then his own energetic “why not” guitar in part two which I really think is a fabulous con-tribution and will get both beginners and ex-perienced hands to start building a guitar, as I did as a 15 year old'.
Don't be put off by a book that is just a little thicker than an ebony fingerboard. The only book available to Jeremy Broun when he built his first guitar in 1962 (a Clifford Essex concert guitar) was the thickness of a guitar top (around 3mm) and had everything that was needed to know. This glossy hardback book is actually three books in one with 80 pages crammed full of diverse and indepth information. 1. the first half of the book covers traditional acoustic guitar construction and includes a section on electrics. 2. the unique 'Jez Broun Ecoustic' (electro acoustic) guitar is set out in step by step instructions. 3. the reader can build a custom guitar based on the previous knowledge covered in the book.
The book purchase includes a webpage link to three videos plus PDF files for PLANS and SUPPLIERS.
Bonus content will sold later as an extra. There are more than 30 videos to edit and these will be offered online.